Local Development

At present, two ongoing development initiatives have potential to impact the RTO Community. These include the Homewood Mountain Resort Master plan and the SR 89 Recreation Corridor plan(which involves the creation of a bike/walking path between Meeks Bay and Emerald Bay). Further details on each project and opportunities for participation can be found below.

Homewood Resort Master Plan

The Homewood Mountain Resort Development Plans were originally approved in 2011 but have since undergone significant changes that are not in line with the original intent. To see what was originally planned vs what they are working on now, visit https://www.homewoodproject.com/.

Additional info can be found on the TRPA website: https://www.trpa.gov/major-projects/#homewood

The RTO Board has submitted a resolution regarding Homewood Mountain Resort to Placer County and TRPA. If you're interested in seeing it, please log into the Member portal and check the Documents section.

What you can do:

  1. Email TRPA at homewoodplan@trpa.gov if you haven't done so.

  2. The same email needs to go to Steve Buelner at Placer County at sbuelna@placer.ca.gov.  Reference  PLN22-00534

  3. Visit https://www.homewoodproject.com/ and click on "Get Involved" for more information.

SR-89 Corridor Plan

Details about the plan for a bike and walking path along highway 89 can be found on the TRPA website:


Cascade to Meeks Feasibility Study Webinar